
sanatorium怎么读: 音标[.sænә'tɒ:riәm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ sanatorium是什么意思

n. 疗养院, 疗养所, 静养地
[医] 疗养院, 疗养所, 疗养站

n. a hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic diseases


1. They send them to convents and sanatoriums, cheer camp.

送她们去修道院 疗养院 拉拉队训练营

2. It was your success had this sanatorium built, and she my gift to you in return.

是你的成功助我建立了这家疗养院 她是我回馈你的礼物

3. A sanatorium is a hospital that isolates sick people from the rest of the population.


4. I think it's an old sanatorium where they used to keep tuberculosis patients in the 1900s.

好像是个废弃的养老院 九十年代用来收容肺结核病人的

5. I was sent to a sanatorium to rot, left to die, abandoned by my own hu*and, who prayed the end would come quickly not so that I would be spared pain and misery but so that he would be unburdened by me, but I was given a reprieve, and it was only once I was unshackled from a life that didn't want me that I found my true family.

我被送去疗养院 留下等死 被我丈夫抛弃 他祈祷死亡尽快降临 不是好让我尽早脱离痛苦折磨 而是这样他就能摆脱我了 但我的死得以被推迟 我摆脱了不欢迎我的生活的束缚后 才找到了真正的家人
