
downside怎么读: 音标['daunsaid]
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◎ downside是什么意思

n. 底侧;下降趋势

n. a negative aspect of something that is generally positive


1. Even if it is, I don't see a downside.

就算你是对的 这么做对你也没坏处啊

2. On the downside... I mean, we're so different.

糟糕的是 我们俩完全不是一路人

3. I should say that, obviously, there are downsides.

我要说 有些坏处是明摆着的

4. On the downside, your outbreak has been contained.

不好的是 你的计划被破坏了

5. No, the downside was I'm doing this to my best friend.

不 负面影响是我这样对待我最好的朋友

6. Only a fool doesn't look at the downside.


7. That's the downside of outliving your prognosis.


8. Well, there is an upside to this downside.

不管怎么樣 這還是有些好處的

9. Now, there is a downside to my awesome experiment.

