
claret怎么读: 音标['klærәt]
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◎ claret是什么意思

n. 红葡萄酒, 深紫红色
a. 深紫红色的

n. a dark purplish-red color
n. dry red Bordeaux or Bordeaux-like wine
v. drink claret


1. We haven't been drinking any claret, so there's really no excuse.

我们都没喝酒 所以你没有借口

2. By all means, we must protect the claret.

无论如何 我们一定保护好葡萄酒

3. The only thing he was able to make disappear was claret.


4. A half decent claret can travel the world.


5. The cheese is surprisingly edible too, and the claret is my own, bottled in '35.

这里的奶酪也非常好吃 葡萄酒是我自己带来的 35年陈酿

6. And make sure that there are four bottles of good claret for after lunch.

确保有四瓶上好的红葡萄酒 供午餐后享用

7. Gentlemen, should you need refreshment, we have some fine claret here, if you wish to avail yourselves.

先生们 你们需要点心吗 我们这里有一些上等的波尔多红葡萄酒 如果你们乐意享用的话

8. One day we'll be sat around that table, aye, eating boar, drinking claret.

总有一天我们会坐在那张桌子旁 吃着野猪肉 喝着红酒
