
straddle怎么读: 音标['strædl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ straddle是什么意思

n. 跨坐, 观望
v. 跨坐, 两腿叉开坐, 观望

n. a noncommittal or equivocal position
n. a gymnastic exercise performed with a leg on either side of the parallel bars
n. the act of sitting or standing astride
n. the option to buy or sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date; consists of an equal number of put and call options


1. It's as if the victims are straddling a chair.


2. I would have straddled you right there on the bar.


3. Tell that to the wall you're currently straddling.


4. No, I asked out my boss while straddling a torpedo.

才不 我坐在鱼雷上勾搭了我老板

5. You're always looking to straddle the fence.


6. I mean, if you're into women who straddle massive instruments.

我是说 如果你喜欢跨惯了大型乐器的女人的话

7. No longer will you straddle two worlds.


8. The angle of the wounds suggests that the killer straddled him.

从伤口的角度看 凶手骑在了他身上
