
mudslide怎么读: 音标['mʌdslaid]
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◎ mudslide是什么意思

[地](沿缓坡而下的)徐缓黏滞泥流, 泥流

n. a landslide of mud


1. We're expecting more incoming from that mudslide.


2. Yes, a hurricane that caused a mudslide.

是的 飓风导致了泥石流

3. Debris from the mudslide's blocking the output pipe.


4. Says it's all fires, mudslides and *edup people.

说都是火灾 泥石流和废物

5. And lifethreatening mudslides and really more flash flooding.


6. So if it's the day after a storm these fields are going to be a raindrop away from a mudslide.

所以如果这是暴风雨之后的一天 那些土地 简直与泥潭无异

7. Look, just get moving, blondie, or we're gonna have a mudslide in here.

动作快点 美女 不然就要一泻千里了

8. Sorry, two mudslides and a line of blow, I get grabby.

抱歉 "泥流""猛击"下肚 我就爱袭胸

9. You're never gonna believe this, but a mudslide just killed 30 people.

你绝对不敢信的 但是一场泥石流刚害死了30人

10. Because I don't wanna think that I know the truth and then five years down the line unearth a fresh mudslide that buries me in shit all over again.

因为我不想认为我知道真相 然后过了五年 发现了一个全新的泥石流 又将我全身覆盖
