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◎ whiner是什么意思

n. 哀呜者, 哀诉者, 嘀咕者

n. a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining


1. No,you were more of a sullen whiner.


2. It's legit too, not like these whiners.

是合法的 跟这帮鼻涕虫不一样

3. You're such a whiner, it's like being with a sick dog.

你真是爱抱怨 就像一只有病的小狗

4. That dude's a whiner and a narc, and everybody knows it.

那家伙是個喋喋不休的癮君子 大家都知道

5. He is a crook, he is a fraud, he is sponger, he is a whiner, he is a parasite.

他是个骗子 撒谎精 吸血鬼 牢骚大王 寄生虫

6. Like I'd waste my time circle jerking with a bunch of whiners.


7. You know, I really am starting to think that you guys are the greatest generation... of whiners.

你知道吗 我真的开始认为 你们这一代是最强的 抱怨者

8. Were you a whiner, like I was? I remember my mom taking me just kicking and screaming to the dentist.

你和我一样老闹吗 记得小时候 我妈带我看牙医时我总是又哭又闹的
