
star怎么读: 音标[stɑ:]
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◎ star是什么意思

n. 星, 恒星, 星形物, 运气, 明星
vt. 以星状物装饰, 用星号标, 使成为明星
vi. 变成明星

n. (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
n. any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night
n. an actor who plays a principal role
n. a plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem


1. But sometimes a star is just a star.


2. 路易斯安那州立大学 and the data for this star looked nothing like any of the stars, and nothing like any other star that we know of today.

特贝莎·柏亚金博士 这颗恒星的数据和别的恒星截然不同 也和我们目前所知道的任何恒星都不一样

3. A star is a star. It doesn't matter where in the sky I shine.

只要是明星就行 无论我在天上哪个角落闪耀

4. Stars, no stars, I just want it to be right.

有没有明星都行 我只想把片子拍得很好

5. I was the star in a nativity play once, literally the star.

我曾经是圣诞剧中的童星 真的就演的是一颗星星

6. The opera stars of their day were the movie stars of today.


7. Yeah, but I'm kind of teetering on five stars or one star.


8. And what we see here are not only the stars themselves but there is gas and dust left over from the birth of the stars.

而且我们看见的 不仅仅是这些恒星 还有恒星诞生时留下的 气体和尘埃

9. I am a star. I'm a *ing rock 'n' roll star, man.

我是个明星 我是个摇滚天王

10. The data for the star looked nothing like any other star that we know of today.

这个星球的数据不同于 今天所知的任何星球
