
tattletale怎么读: 音标['tætlteil]
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◎ tattletale是什么意思

n. 告密者, 搬弄是非的人

n. someone who gossips indiscreetly


1. I was not a tattletale. I was responsible.

我不是告密者 我有责任要说出来

2. You were the favorite because you were the tattletale.


3. I'm just saying that in my village, being a tattletale is how people disappear.

我意思是 以前在我们村子 做告密者是人们失踪的原因

4. Well, nobody likes a tattletale, but yeah, I'll admit it.

多嘴惹人嫌啊 但我承认 确实拍了

5. What happened is that you told them what I told you, and now they think I'm a big tattletale.

你把我告诉你的告诉她们了 现在她们觉得我是*的告密者
