
darkroom怎么读: 音标['dɑ:krum]
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◎ darkroom是什么意思

n. 暗房
[医] 暗室

n. a room in which photographs are developed


1. All I wanted was to get in that darkroom.


2. He manipulated the work tremendously in the darkroom.

在暗房中 他能十分自如地进行冲印

3. You know, the this is the perfect place for a darkroom.

你看 这 把这个房间当作暗房再好不过了

4. Someone must've used it while I was developing in the darkroom then.

那肯定是有人利用 我在暗房的时候干的

5. Yeah, this bar is so poorly lit, it's legally a darkroom.

是的 这个酒吧的照明很差 基本上就是个暗房

6. Dad used it as a darkroom before he got his camera store.

爸爸以前拿它做暗室 他那时还没有照相馆

7. I don't know, half or forty percent of the creative process occurred in the darkroom.

大概地说 四五成的摄影创作是在暗房中完成的

8. Boring location, lots of exits, and a bathroom perfect to use as a darkroom.

人迹罕至的地方 出口不少 还有一个非常适合用来做底片冲洗暗房的浴室

9. And to the left is our art room with a new kiln for ceramics and a darkroom for developing photography.

左边是艺术教室 里面有新的制陶设备 还有一个洗照片的暗室

10. Now, this eastern corridor, this is where the goths exit the darkroom, and they infringe on the drama geeks.

东方走廊 是哥德派离开暗黑室的地方 他们爱向极客挑衅
