
wag怎么读: 音标[wæg]
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◎ wag是什么意思

vt. 摇摆, 摇动, 饶舌
vi. 摆动, 喋喋不休
n. 摇摆, 爱说笑打趣的人

n. a witty amusing person who makes jokes
n. causing to move repeatedly from side to side
v. move from side to side


1. I can't compete with a wagging tail.


2. Wags, this is the seventh time I've tried you.

瓦格斯 这是我第七次打给你了

3. She just kept wagging her jaw on and on and on and on.


4. My tail is in the air, wagging proudly.


5. Sticking it over a chopstick and giving it a good wag.

下面垫根筷子 零敲碎打一番

6. I think these are huskies, wagging their husky tails.


7. I'm not 100% positive, but I think he can wag it.

我不是很肯定 但我想他可以摇晃它

8. That's a more rightwards wag, slightly more anxious dog.

他的摇尾方向有点向右倾斜 有点紧张

9. I'm not sure I buy that, but someone's tail is wagging.

我不大信你的话啦 但有人在摇尾巴
