
cautious怎么读: 音标['kɒ:ʃәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ cautious是什么意思

a. 谨慎的, 小心的

a. showing careful forethought; never making swift decisions"
s. avoiding excess


1. I should have been more cautious about what I drank, but I wasn't.

我应该留心自己喝的东西 但我没有

2. But we're dealing with the brain here, so we have to be cautious.

但是他是大脑有问题 所以我们得谨慎处理

3. Be cautious in your answers. I intend to be.

回答时千万当心 正有此意

4. You're the most cautious person I know.


5. I'm not lying, I'm just being cautious.

我没撒谎 我只是想谨慎点

6. I know you were just being cautious.


7. Your stories didn't teach him to be cautious.


8. Look, you need to be cautious, we all do.

你必须要小心 我们都得小心

9. So I can be cautious and protect myself.

让我能保持警惕 保护自己

10. And so we started to do these operations cautiously.

