
omnidirectional怎么读: 音标[.ɒmnidi'rekʃәnәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ omnidirectional是什么意思

a. 全向的
[电] 多向性

a. not directional


1. a cone of premium, omnidirectional hot air for that allover dry.

一个半球形罩子 全方位热风 让头发全面风干

2. You don't need a destination when you're running on an omnidirectional treadmill with quadraphonic, pressuresensitive underlay.

只要你脚下有一台 四声道压敏底垫全方位跑步机 你就可以随时出发

3. Laugh it up, but, uh, the fact that they still have low power, omnidirectional antennas means they have a radius of four miles.

随便你笑 但它们拥有低功率全方向的天线 这让它们可以覆盖方圆四英里以内区域
