
confirming怎么读: 音标[kənˈfə:mɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ confirming是什么意思

v. 批准( confirm的现在分词 ); 证实; 使有效; 使巩固

v establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
v strengthen or make more firm
v make more firm
v support a person for a position
v administer the rite of confirmation to
a indicating existence or presence of a suspected condition or pathogen
s serving to support or corroborate


1. We confirm that here and the temperature also confirms it.

是的 当前舱内温度 也可以证实这一点

2. I confirm visual, repeat, confirm visual, over.

发现目标 重复 发现目标 完毕

3. I confirmed it with him and they were.

我向他确认过了 那是我的异能

4. And no one of those attributes will confirm or not confirm that it's a person.

这些属性中没有一个 能确认或否认是不是同一个人

5. This is the confirmation that it was them.


6. You called me to say the limo was confirmed, so I assumed the limo was confirmed.

你给我打电话说 豪车已经确认了 所以我假设豪车已经确认了

7. In addition to confirming that both of the lights were indeed green, we've also confirmed everything my informant told us.

除了确认 两个方向的交通灯确实都是绿灯 我们还确认了我的线人告诉我们的所有信息

8. I can neither confirm nor deny the suspect's identity, but what I can confirm is that the requisite authorities apply which render his actions lawful.

我无法确认或否认嫌疑人的身份 但我能肯定的是他有必需的权限 证明他的行为是合法的

9. Thank you for confirming that you are not them.


10. All you have to do is confirm it in court.

