
louisa怎么读: 音标[lu(:)'i:zә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ louisa是什么意思

n. 路易莎(人名)


1. Louisa, you shouldn't have brought her here.

Louisa 你本不该带她到这里的

2. Louisa and I were agreeing that we should hardly know her.


3. Louisa and I met at a college mixer.


4. Louisa's all alone. I'll see what I can do.

路易莎孤立无援 我看看我能帮什么忙

5. Louisa? It's very important that you tell me the whole truth now.

露依莎 你得把事实全都告诉我 这很重要

6. Louisa, if the first girl to fish for him hooks him, good luck to her.

路易莎 如果第一次有女孩儿示好他就上钩了 那就祝她好运吧

7. Louisa and her friends are going to make a full recovery within weeks.

路易莎和她的朋友们几周后 就会完全恢复

8. And every time louisa ignores my call, at least I know she's alive.

每次路易莎不接我电话时 至少我知道她还活着

9. Louisa told us he was on his way to pick up his final paycheck so he could buy seeds.

路易莎告诉我们 他是去领最后一笔薪水 用来买种子
