
frittata怎么读: 音标[fri'tɑ:tә]
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◎ frittata是什么意思

n. 菜肉馅煎蛋饼

n. Italian omelet with diced vegetables and meats; cooked until bottom is set then inverted into another pan to cook the top


1. First up, my simple and delicious frittata.

首先 简单又好吃的意式菜肉煎蛋饼

2. Breakfast is almost ready. It's a frittata.

早餐快做好了 是煎蛋饼

3. Well, then I'll take your meanest frittata, please.


4. The key to the frittata is how hot you make the pan.


5. And thinking about it is making it difficult for me to enjoy my frittata.

光是想想你这穷病 就让我无法尽情享受我的意大利煎蛋

6. That will hopefully release the frittata from the bottom of the pan.

希望这样能让 煎蛋饼的底部与煎锅脱离

7. So tomorrow, you, me, brunch and, uh, one word: frittata.

那就明天 咱俩吃早午餐 还有煎蛋饼

8. I left a note on the fridge saying I wanted frittatas.

我在冰箱里留了言 想吃烘蛋饼

9. She made her family frittatas with fresh veggies from her garden.

她用花园种的新鲜蔬菜 给她家人做了菜肉馅煎蛋饼

10. The secret to a good frittata is blending your eggs in a blender.

