
lapis怎么读: 音标['læpis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ lapis是什么意思

[医] 石

n. A stone.


1. I am assdeep in lapis lazuli and debt.


2. That is more precious for us than gold, than lapis.

對我們來說 那比黃金和寶石都珍貴

3. The hard stone of lapis lazuli had been transformed.

这块坚硬的天青石 就这样摇身一变

4. Now, I must say, I have never seen such a large chunk of lapis before.

不得不说 我从未见过 这么大一块天青石

5. And the thing is, you don't want to waste one bit of this because the lapis lazuli is exponentially more expensive than any other pigment.

而且 你一点都不敢浪费 因为这个天青石比其他任何颜料 都要昂贵得多

6. The gold is inlaid with precious stones, lapis, feldspar and carnelian and the eyes modelled with obsidian and quartz.

这副面具上镶嵌着 宝石 琉璃 长石 和玛瑙 眼睛则是由黑曜石和石英构成

7. just over a centimetre in genuine diamante with two pairs in lapis lazuli in a lovely mockgold finish.

略大于一厘米 镶有两对天青色的纯人造钻石 镀有漂亮的金色

8. Lapis, you know, took how many months of travel to get there, you don't want to lose even one piece of it.

天青石 得花好几个月才能运到这里 你一点都舍不得浪费
