
labouring怎么读: 音标['leibәriŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ labouring是什么意思

n. 劳动, 操劳

v work hard
v strive and make an effort to reach a goal
v undergo the efforts of childbirth
s doing arduous or unpleasant work


1. He was a builder, a general labourer.

他是建筑工人 一个零工

2. I could be a farm labourer, but I want more than that.

我可以做个农工 但我有更大的志向

3. And labourers, when they got a break.

而体力劳动者们 只能等休工之时了

4. You are labouring under a delusion, gentlemen.

你们才活在幻想中 先生们

5. It's manual labour. It's not a sport.

这算体力劳动 不算运动啊

6. I am more than ready to resume my labours.


7. His hands are certainly not those of a labourer.


8. What a labour just to create a field.


9. Nay, he do labour hard as any, more'n most.

没 他干活儿不比别人差 甚至更认真

10. The thing I've been labouring to bring about for months.

