
maxi怎么读: 音标['mæksi]
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◎ maxi是什么意思

n. 长大衣

n. a long skirt ending below the calf
a. used of women's clothing having a hemline at the ankle


1. And then I had to buy all those maxi pads.


2. Maxie, if you shut down in the water, you'll sink.

马克西 如果你在水中关机 就会沉底的

3. The oldfashioned maxi pad can be a budgetkiller.


4. Lin, you fell into a pile of maxi pads, and you farted.

琳 你倒在了一堆卫生棉上 还放了个屁

5. III understand that you are under maxi pressure to identify somebody.

我理解 为了找到凶手 你们顶着巨大的压力

6. Listen, lady, toilet paper's not gonna make it through these old pipes, much less your tampons and maxi pads with wings for heavy flow.

听着 卫生纸是没法 通过这些老管子的 更不用说你的棉条 带护翼的大流量卫生巾
