
discontinuance怎么读: 音标[.diskәn'tinjuәns]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ discontinuance是什么意思

n. 停止, 中止, 废止
[法] 诉讼的撤销, 诉讼的终止, 中断

n. the act of discontinuing or breaking off; an interruption (temporary or permanent)


1. Well, it's not just that they discontinue it, it's that they don't tell you they're discontinuing it.

他们不仅停产 还不通知你们停产的事

2. You know, so these ideas of totalizing utopian technological intervention are part of a discontinuous technological world and the world will always be discontinuous technologically.

所以这些汇集了 理想化的技术干预的想法 是不连续技术世界的一部分 而世界在技术上永远是不连续的

3. And if you're too busy for our sessions, then let's discontinue them.

如果你太忙 没有时间见我 那就不用再见了

4. I feel that we should discontinue our study sessions.


5. It's like when they discontinued your favorite candy.


6. The lookers have detected a spatial discontinuity.


7. So I thought it best to discontinue the medication for a while.


8. I was told that all the other operations in the hotel had been discontinued, apart from mine.

我此前被告知 除了我的行动以外 旅馆的其它所有行动都被中止了

9. Deon mentioned that they don't always know when a dress is going to be discontinued.

迪恩提到他们有时不知道 婚纱何时停产
