
morris怎么读: 音标['mɒ:ris]
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◎ morris是什么意思

n. 莫里斯舞

n. United States suffragist in Wyoming (1814-1902)
n. English poet and craftsman (1834-1896)
n. leader of the American Revolution who signed the Declaration of Independence and raised money for the Continental Army (1734-1806)


1. Morris, you will not believe who's coming down here.

莫里斯 你会不敢想象 谁在下面

2. I was in the mail room at william morris.


3. Morris asked me to come and say something at the rally.

莫里斯让我过来 在集会上说点什么

4. I think morris and i may have a way to pull the copilot from the flight.

我和莫里斯想到了一个 让副驾驶停飞的办法

5. Morris would go to the library every day and he would use the Internet for free.

莫里斯每天都会去图书馆 而且可以免费上网
