
monkey怎么读: 音标['mʌŋki]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ monkey是什么意思

n. 猴子, 猿, 打桩锤
vi. 淘气, 胡闹
vt. 嘲弄

n. any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians)


1. Okay, here you go, monkey. I'm not a monkey.

好啦 给你 小猴子 我才不是猴子

2. Or a monkey on another monkey's shoulders.


3. There are monkeys, freaking monkeys in the galley.

有猴子 厨房里*有猴子

4. Let's hope it's a monkey, man, cos sometimes the jaguar want to attract the female monkey so that is why most times they make noise like monkeys.

希望它最好是只猴子吧 因为有时候美洲豹想诱引母猴子 这就是为什么它们也会发出类似猴子的叫声

5. The leopard consumes the monkey and becomes leopard and monkey.

豹子吃掉猴子 就变成了豹子和猴子

6. And that *art little monkey wasn't just a monkey anymore.

那只聪明的小猴子 不再仅仅是一只猴子了

7. But when he got there, monkeys stole his map, 'cause monkeys.

但是他到了以后 猴子们偷走了他的地图

8. That monkey and that monkey's estate made zero dollars.

那只猴子以及他的團隊 一分錢都沒掙

9. Keep it like a monkey in a cage. I love monkeys.

就像把猴子关进笼子 我喜欢猴子

10. You go to the store to buy a monkey wrench and sold to you by a monkey.

你去商店买活动扳手[直译为猴子扳手] 售货员也是只猴子
