
trundle怎么读: 音标['trʌndl]
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◎ trundle是什么意思

n. 小车轮, 脚轮, 滚动
vi. 滚动, 移动, 投球
vt. 使滚动, 使移转

n. small wheel or roller
v. move heavily


1. So I trundle over there, and it's one of the grates that's stopped up.

我涉水过去 发现是一个下水道堵了

2. with every shoeless, mouthbreathing hobo that trundles into my office.

和每一个*鞋子大口喘气 贸贸然 闯进我办公室的流浪汉闲扯

3. You are the expert, I am prepared to take a little trundle down this quite scary promontory with you.

你对这里最熟 不如我们一起走上去看看
