
still怎么读: 音标[stil]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ still是什么意思

n. 蒸馏室, 寂静, 剧照
v. 蒸馏, (使)平静, (使)静止
a. 静止的, 不动的, 静寂的, 不起泡的, 静物摄影的
adv. 仍然, 更, 静止地
conj. 然而, 但是

n. a static photograph (especially one taken from a movie and used for advertising purposes)
n. an apparatus used for the distillation of liquids; consists of a vessel in which a substance is vaporized by heat and a condenser where the vapor is condensed
v. lessen the intensity of or calm
v. make motionless


1. They're still the same. It's still them.

他们并没有变样 他们还是他们

2. We're still here, still fighting, still surviving, because of you.

我们还在 还在战斗 还在生存 正因为你

3. Her father was still out there, still alone, still searching.

她的父亲还活着 仍单枪匹马 仍苦苦搜寻

4. Maria, it's still me. I'm still the same.

玛丽亚 我还是我 我没变

5. I still I still don't understand why.

我还是 还是不明白为什么

6. Jason, are you still...? I'm still here.

杰森 你还在吗 还在

7. But I'm still here and you're still alive.

我还能在这 你还能喘气

8. Still alive, still together, still living in the same house I grew up in.

还活着呢 还在一起 还住在我长大的那个房子里

9. But we don't know how many tigers are still left and as long as there are still some, there is still hope.

我们不知道这里还有多少老虎 但只要还有老虎存在 就有希望

10. It still amazes me how they recognise me.

