
lacing怎么读: 音标['leisiŋ]
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◎ lacing是什么意思

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n. a small amount of liquor added to a food or beverage


1. You glittered where you should've laced, and you laced where you should've stenciled.

应该粘花边的地方你洒了闪粉 应该镂花的地方你粘了花边

2. We do, but your blood is laced with vervain.

没错 但你的血里有马鞭草

3. Inspiring me to lace up after all these years.


4. No pink, no lace, and no frilly flowers.

不准有粉色 不准有蕾丝花边 也不准有镶褶边的花

5. Something in this room was laced with poison.


6. Look at the embroidery, the tassels, the lace.

看这些刺绣 流苏 蕾丝边

7. The explosive was laced with some sort of accelerant.


8. I can't put on my shoe because the laces are knotted.

我拉不上鞋子 因为鞋带打结了

9. It had a lace on the instep, it always broke.

脚背上本来设计了一根缎带 总是断掉

10. It's laced with cocaine like the Israelis do it.

掺了可卡因 以色列人都这么做
