
country怎么读: 音标['kʌntri]
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◎ country是什么意思

n. 国家, 乡村, 地区, 故乡
a. 乡下的, 农村的
[计] DOS外部命令:用于设定国家代码, 包括日期时间及货币格式

n. the territory occupied by a nation
n. an area outside of cities and towns


1. It's not my country! It's your country.

我又不是本国人 这是你的祖国

2. The country does not love you because the country does not know you.

国民不喜欢你 因为他们都不了解你

3. It's not about what your country can do for you, it's about what you can do for your country.

重点不是你的国家能给你提供什么 而是你能为你的国家奉献什么

4. You love this country! I love this country.

你热爱这个国家 我热爱这个国家

5. We move always, from country to country.

我们总是漂泊 从一个国家到另一个国家

6. Because I love my country, and my country loves a hero.

因为我爱我的国家 而我的国家喜欢英雄

7. We're not a country of men and women, we're a country of laws.

我们的国家不是男人和女人的国家 而是一个法律的国度

8. To erase dividing lines from country to country.


9. pick a country, any country, any spot on earth, and we'll go.

选一个国家 随便一个 在地球上随便选一个地方 我们就出发

10. You're here here, but you're in the country here.

你没在我旁边 不过你在国内
