
gleaming怎么读: 音标[ˈgli:mɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ gleaming是什么意思

a. 闪闪发光的
v. (使)闪烁, (使)闪亮( gleam的现在分词 )

n a flash of light (especially reflected light)
n an appearance of reflected light
v be shiny, as if wet
v shine brightly, like a star or a light
v appear briefly
s bright with a steady but subdued shining


1. That's for you to gleam. I want none of her.

你去问吧 我不想和她有瓜葛

2. Yeah, I did not like the gleam in your eye when you did that.

记得 我不喜欢当时你眼中放出的光

3. I was just skateboarding by, gleaming the cube and whatnot.

我滑滑板經過 極限運動什么的

4. And she sees your gleaming orb looming straight up at her.


5. But every year, there were a few children with the same gleam in their eyes that you have.

但是每年 都会有几个学生 眼中闪着和你们一样的光芒

6. Till it's gleaming like an eight ball.


7. The eyes are black and they gleam like a serpent.

眼睛是黑色的 像蛇眼一样发光

8. I've gleamed many items before, but never a cube.

我照亮过很多东西 但从没照亮过立方体

9. When that task force shows up, this firehouse is gonna be gleaming.

当工作组来时 这个消防局要闪闪发光

10. Oh, I have been looking forward to the gleaming the cube part.

