
prosaically怎么读: 音标[prәu'zeiikli]
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◎ prosaically是什么意思

adv. 散文式地, 平凡地

r. in a matter-of-fact manner


1. I myself suspect a more prosaic motive.


2. It's kind of prosaic that it's always the mother.

根源总是母亲 挺乏味的

3. Truthfully it would be something much more prosaic.


4. To the eternal, beyond the prosaic to touch the profound and encounter the divine.

让你的作品超凡脱俗 接近世界的真理

5. At a normal, prosaic level, marriage is a legal agreement that can't be negotiated by just gazing at someone.

最起码 婚姻是一桩法律协议 无法仅通过凝视对方来完成协商

6. Yes, there's a certain unrefined charm beneath all the layers of insecurity, but, truth be told, these pieces are prosaic, derivative, and frankly not nearly as arresting as you promised.

當然 在作品中的重重不安感之下 有未經雕琢的某種魅力 但是說實話 這些作品很平庸 缺乏個性 坦白講完全沒有你保證得那么吸引人
