
luther怎么读: 音标['lu:θә]
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◎ luther是什么意思

n. 卢瑟(男子名)

n. German theologian who led the Reformation; believed that salvation is granted on the basis of faith rather than deeds (1483-1546)


1. Luther, I guess you're all out of excuses.

路德 我想你现在没有借口了吧

2. Luther was convicted and put to death.

卢瑟被判有罪 并被处死

3. Luther, you guys, go in the other room.

露瑟 你们 去其他房间去

4. Luther gets around, but he is human.

路瑟是见多识广 但他是个人类

5. Luther, I... I don't have time for you to tuck and squeeze here.

路瑟 我没空跟你在这磨叽了

6. Luther, I would never let that happen.

路瑟 我绝不会让这种事情发生

7. Luther found all the unopened letters he'd sent you.


8. Luther inspired a lot of crazies to get the same tattoo.


9. Luther here, took him a good ten minutes to die.


10. Luther, if you swallowed your tongue, you wouldn't be talking, you big moron.

路瑟 如果你吞了你的舌头的话 你就不会说话了 大傻个
