
mini怎么读: 音标['mini]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ mini是什么意思

n. 同类中的极小者, 微型汽车, 超短裙
a. 微型的

a. used of women's clothing; very short with hemline above the knee


1. This mini bar this mini bar is incredible.

这个迷你吧台 这个迷你吧台太棒了

2. Well, you may have mentioned that that was your mini mart, so I made it my mini mart.

你提到过你经常去那家小超市 所以我也经常去

3. Yeah, well, the idea of you and me making a mini you and me makes me and mini me very excited.

没错 你和我的造小人计划 让我的小人有点按捺不住

4. Mini. your ministroke might be affecting your ability to work at your highest possible level right now.

小中风 你的小中风 也许影响了你现在 以最高水平工作的能力

5. Otherwise, I hope it's fun and that there are loads of pheasants and shit and I'll have everything you don't use, especially, like mini body lotions or mini conditioners or anything.

除此之外 我希望你玩得开心 祝那边有很多野鸡什么的 你不用的那些东西都给我吧 尤其是迷你身体乳液 或迷你护发素之类的东西

6. And your response was a mini revolution.


7. But I'm taking the mini bar key with me.


8. And the moat at the mini golf castle.


9. But I don't know if she's into me or if she's just into my mini fridge.

但我不知道她是喜欢上我了 还是只是喜欢我的小冰箱

10. We'll be wearing these mini brains on our backs.

