
tantalising怎么读: 音标['tæntәlaiziŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ tantalising是什么意思

a. <主英>=tantalizing

v harass with persistent criticism or carping
s arousing desire or expectation for something unattainable or mockingly out of reach
s very pleasantly inviting


1. Today, these ideas are tantalisingly out of reach, but every day, we learn more and they draw closer.

现在 这些想法虽然诱人 但还遥远 但每一天我们学到得越多 它们就离我们越近

2. It provides a tantalising glimpse into the types of technologies you might exploit to build your own time machine.

它试探性的一瞥 望向的技术 可能被用来打造你自己的时间机器

3. But it opens up the tantalising idea that it might one day be possible to electronically manipulate individual neurons.

但它展现了一种诱人的前景 或许有一天 电子操控单个神经元将成为可能

4. But while we might seem tantalisingly close, black holes and the theory that explains them remain just out of reach.

虽然看上去我们已经如此接近 但黑洞和解释其的理论 仍旧在我们无法触及的位置

5. The news they thought they had found them caused a sensation, because, if confirmed, it offered yet more tantalising clues to the existence of the multiverse.

他们认为已经找到了引力波的新闻 引发了轰动 因为如果真的证实了 就可以为多重宇宙的存在 提供更多可能的线索

6. And, for these reasons, blue has captured our imaginations, offering us the tantalising prospect of entirely new worlds beyond our own.

正因如此 蓝色总让我们浮想联翩 在我们脑海里呈现一幅诱人的画面 想象着一个全新的未知世界

7. Like the earliest photographs, the images here are faded, indistinct, but something tantalising is happening the realisation that we can, however crudely, represent.

就像最早的照片一样 这些图像已变得模糊 难以辨别 但有些诱人的事在悄然发生 我们意识到我们可以呈现生活 尽管形式粗糙
