
crucifix怎么读: 音标['kru:sifiks]
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◎ crucifix是什么意思

n. 十字架

n. representation of the cross on which Jesus died
n. a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings when the gymnast supports himself with both arms extended horizontally


1. A crucifix was still there, where the altar had been.

耶酥受难像还在 圣坛之前所在的位置

2. He turned the victim's crucifix upside down.


3. Jason drew crucifixes all over my mirror.


4. A crucifix above my bed, the sun glinting off my crown.

我床上的十字架 照亮我王冠的阳光

5. So, he washed the corpse and he placed the crucifix in her hands, but he didn't kill her.

于是他清洗了尸体 并把十字架放到她手里 但他没有杀她

6. And if you need anything, just turn the crucifix face down, and I'll be there for you.

如果你有任何需要 就把十字架正面朝下 我就会来帮你

7. Yo, man, earlier, I caught her masturbating with a crucifix.

伙计 早些时候我还发现她* 用个十字架

8. Vampire, he flies in through the window of a church, his fangs are out, priest immediately goes for a crucifix.

吸血鬼 他从窗户飞进教堂 毒牙外露 牧师立马去拿十字架

9. Two metal objects survived the fire: this metal crucifix, which matches the one in the photo, and a key.

两个金属物体保存了下来 这个金属十字架 和照片中的一样 还有一把钥匙

10. His face was torn up, and he was stabbing himself in the gut with a crucifix over and over again, like six times before he finally keeled over, thing still sticking out of him.

整个脸都被炸烂了 他不停的用十字架戳自己的肚子 一遍又一遍 戳了差不多6次 直到他完全昏了过去 十字架还戳在他身上
