
disservice怎么读: 音标[dis'sә:vis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ disservice是什么意思

n. 伤害, 帮倒忙的行为

n. an act intended to help that turns out badly


1. You do yourself a disservice by warning him.


2. If anyone is doing a disservice here, it's you.

如果说有人在帮倒忙 那也是你才对

3. You do yourself a great disservice when you doubt them.


4. We have done you a great disservice.


5. From what's real,ultimately does him a disservice.


6. Because you would be doing yourselves, and the world, a greatest disservice.

因为平庸是对你自己 和这个世界最大的伤害

7. Let's assume, I were to do you the disservice of writing it up for you.

假设我真帮你写投诉信的话 我也是给你帮倒忙

8. Imagine what a disservice it would have been to the world, if I had given up.

你想想 假如当初我放弃了 对全世界是多大的损失啊

9. You're doing him a great disservice, ye ken.

你这样害他不浅 你知道吗

10. I'd be doing you a disservice if I said it was gonna be *ooth sailing.

要是我祝你们一帆风顺 那就是对你们的不负责了
