
gawky怎么读: 音标['^ɔ:ki]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ gawky是什么意思

a. 愚笨的, 腼腆的, 粗笨的, 笨拙的

s. lacking grace in movement or posture


1. gawkiness was caused by an asymmetrical development of the iliac crest.


2. I always wanted to take dance, but I was... so gawky and uncoordinated.

我一直想要学习跳舞 但是我... 太 笨拙和不协调

3. ...the sickening *ell of chlorine, the thick, humid air, having to be shirtless in front of your class while you were at your most gawky and awkward.

令人討厭的氯氣臭味 厚重潮濕的空氣 在班上同學面前*衣服 而你卻處在最笨拙尷尬的年紀

4. Pay no attention to the incredibly awkward entrance by the gawky comic relief guy with zero timing.

不要在意插科打诨人物 很不是时候的尴尬入场
