
unreal怎么读: 音标['ʌn'ri(:)әl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ unreal是什么意思

a. 假的, 虚构的, 不真实的, 幻想的

a. lacking in reality or substance or genuineness; not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria
a. not actually such; being or seeming fanciful or imaginary


1. It's unreal. It's a taste you've never had before.

好不真实啊 你绝对没吃过这样的三明治

2. You are such a child sometimes. It's unreal.

你有时真的像个小孩一样 难以置信

3. Whoa, it's unreal that we made it in time.


4. Look at how far she's come. It's unreal.

她居然撑到了现在 真是难以置信

5. In the households I've been in, it's just unreal sometimes.

在我曾去过的某些家庭 情况简直难以置信

6. The traction on these hospital socks is unreal.


7. Oh, it's unreal out there the air, the stars.

那里有种超现实的感觉 新鲜的空气 满天的繁星

8. Our fascination with the macabre makes it all seem unreal.

我们为死亡所吸引 让死亡看上去神秘莫测

9. I wish I could verbalise it better but it is just unreal.

我的语言都显得苍白无力 太梦幻了

10. It's just it seems so unreal that, uh, he's gone.

这一切就像是在做梦 他就这么走了
