
byway怎么读: 音标['baiwei]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ byway是什么意思

n. 旁道, 偏僻小路

n. a side road little traveled (as in the countryside)


1. Their footsteps have been the highways and byways of my days on the road.

在我的旅途中 他们的足迹 无处不在

2. You'll see a lot of pretty country along the byways.


3. Young boys, they explore the sideways and byways of their neighborhood.

年轻小伙子 会在邻居家附近的小路上探索

4. might've slightly exaggerated the safety of the highways and byways, just to make sure you were safe.

可能稍微夸大了 公路和小路的安全问题 只是为了确保你不会出事
