
disorientating怎么读: 音标[dɪsˈɔ:rɪənteɪtɪŋ]
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◎ disorientating是什么意思

v. 使迷失方向( disorientate的现在分词 )

v cause to be lost or disoriented


1. This will be very disorientating for a human.

你是人类 会觉得很迷惑

2. You're confused, disorientated of course you are.

你感到很困惑 找不到方位 是当然的

3. Considering everything he's been through, some disorientation is common.

他经历了那多么事 出现问题很正常

4. We're trying to disorientate her as much as hurt her.


5. Gus was disorientated from painkillers and his chemo.


6. The shock waves stun or disorientate the fish.


7. You are experiencing disorientation associated with being knocked unconscious.

你正经历着由于被击晕而引发的 方向认知障碍

8. He's so disorientated by the process he loses the will to lie.

这个过程会令他神智迷乱 连撒谎的意愿都没有了

9. Being awake during surgery can get disorientating.


10. But you may feel some disorientation as your mind catches up to the present.

但你的大脑在跟上进度时 你可能会有些头晕目眩
