
uneventful怎么读: 音标[.ʌni'ventful]
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◎ uneventful是什么意思

a. 太平无事的, 平静无事的

a. marked by no noteworthy or significant events


1. In fact, I'd put that before long and uneventful.

实际上 我觉得这程度甚于漫长平淡

2. I hear it was a long and uneventful night.


3. Totally uneventful would mean that nothing happened.


4. From what I can find, the day was rather uneventful.

从我找到的信息来看 那天可以说是风平浪静

5. It was pretty uneventful. I went to the dry cleaners.

没什么特别的 我去了干洗店

6. Uneventful takeoff and flight, though, until the incident.

但直到事故发生前 起飞和飞行过程都没有问题

7. Okay, if that's it, we all have a job to do, so let's have a productive and uneventful day.

好吧 没别的事的话 大家都去忙吧 希望大家能工作高效且不节外生枝

8. May your journey home be as uneventful as the rest of your life.


9. And I'd like to thank my mom for a wonderful, uneventful evening.

我想感谢我妈 为我准备了一个美妙的 平静的夜晚

10. We just need a weekend date that's completely boring and uneventful.

我们只需要选一个 无聊又平凡的普通周末就行了
