
Matisse怎么读: 音标[mə'ti:s]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Matisse是什么意思

n. 马蒂斯(法国画家、雕刻家和版画家)

n. French painter and sculptor; leading figure of fauvism (1869-1954)


1. Matisse didn't hit his stride until he was 35.


2. Matisse is the greatest painter in the world.


3. Matisse seized on it as the last great task of his life.


4. Matisse saw that in Islamic culture, art was everywhere.


5. Matisse saw the essence of a truly modern, inclusivelyuniversal art.

马蒂斯看到的是真正现代的 包罗万象的艺术的本质

6. Matisse created his cutouts childlike images that bound and leap with the rhythms and energy of life.

马蒂斯创作了他的剪辑 富有童趣的图片随着 生命的律动和能量而跳跃

7. Matisse the dying hero, struggling with his last puny gasp to finish the final masterpiece.

马蒂斯 垂暮的英雄 挣扎着用他最后一口气 来完成他的遗世之作

8. Matisse poured an encyclopaedia of global art to make a space where the wars between cultures could be put on hold.

都融进了这个小小的教堂里 创造出一个暂时搁置 不同文化之间斗争的空间
