
gloss怎么读: 音标[glɒs]
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◎ gloss是什么意思

n. 光彩, 假象, 注释
vt. 使光彩, 掩盖, 上光于, 注释, 曲解
vi. 发光, 作注释

n. an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text
v. give a shine or gloss to, usually by rubbing
v. provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases
v. provide an interlinear translation of a word or phrase


1. But I think he was wearing more lip gloss than I was.


2. You know, as usual, she's glossing over everything.


3. I am cold, I'm irritated, and I have no access to lip gloss.

我很冷 我很生气 而且我拿不到润唇膏

4. I'm tired of being talked over, glossed over, airbrushed, and antagonized.

我厌烦被人当做谈资 被曲解 被粉饰 被敌视

5. When you have your hair down and gloss those lips, you're a solid six.

你放下头发 擦点唇彩 绝对是六分美女

6. Strawberry mango. It comes with a lip gloss.

草莓香芒 是唇彩的味道

7. I mean, it's not like I borrowed your lip gloss.

我是说 这又不像是我借用了你的唇彩

8. I put my lip gloss on at home and not in the car.

我把唇膏留在了家里 没带到我车上

9. Although, you do gloss over your exit from your last job.

不过 你对于最后一份工作的离职做了美化

10. I'll slap some strawberry lip gloss on you and make you my woman.

因为我会把草莓唇膏扔给你 让你成为我的女人
