
silhouetted怎么读: 音标[ˌsɪlu:ˈetɪd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ silhouetted是什么意思

a. 显出轮廓的, 显示影像的

v project on a background, such as a screen, like a silhouette
v represent by a silhouette


1. Oh, and there's this cool part where we're silhouetted against the sunset.

对了 我们还在夕阳下 进行形体训练

2. He, uh, would stand in front of it, at a distance from me, silhouetted, very still.

他站在灯光之前 离我有一段距离 我能看到一个静止的剪影

3. He spoke of a gentle light and a silhouetted figure bathed in warmth who welcomed him but told him it wasn't his time.

他说是一束轻柔的光 温暖中还有一个模糊的人影迎来 告诉他 他大限未至
