
firelight怎么读: 音标['faiәlait]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ firelight是什么意思

n. 火光

n. the light of a fire (especially in a fireplace)


1. I mean, you look so so hot in this firelight.


2. The *oke plume and the firelight after dark have been attracting empties to it for years and years, like moths to a flame.

浓烟和天黑之后的火光 多年来一直把空壳引到那里 它们就像飞蛾扑火

3. And when they were finally ready, he'd take a plate of biscuits, nothing else, and he'd just go sit at the edge of the firelight with his back to us and he'd just go at it with both his hands.

饼干终于烤好以后 他只拿一盘饼干 坐在火光边 背对着我们 双手并用 狼吞虎咽的
