
embalmed怎么读: 音标[ɪm'ba:md]
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◎ embalmed是什么意思

a. 用防腐药物保存(尸体)的
v. 保存(尸体)不腐( embalm的过去式和过去分词 ); 使不被遗忘; 使充满香气

v preserve a dead body


1. And seeing as he sold tissue from it before it was embalmed, we can assume that he did the embalming.

鉴于他在防腐处理前就卖掉了组织 可以假定他是自己做的防腐处理

2. It's you, me, and a corpse to embalm.

这里只有你 我和一具要防腐的尸体

3. But she was so damn good at embalming.


4. The other three look like they were embalmed.


5. Before 1910, it was used as an embalming fluid.

1910年之前 它还是尸体防腐剂呢

6. So I had the body embalmed right away.


7. The body wasn't embalmed, as according to custom.

尸体没有防腐剂 这和习俗有关

8. No. I told you. I did my bit when I helped to embalm him.

不 我说了 我已经帮忙给他防腐了

9. However, none of the corpses have actually been embalmed.

然而 这些尸体都没有进行防腐措施

10. The embalming equipment, the drugs that stuff's not cheap.

防腐设备和药 那些东西可不便宜
