
chuckle怎么读: 音标['tʃʌkl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ chuckle是什么意思

n. 咯咯的笑声, 轻笑
vi. 咯咯的笑, 咕咕叫

v. laugh quietly or with restraint


1. Won't they come out here? (chuckles) l don't think so.

他们不会过来吗 应该不会

2. I thought I'd get a chuckle or something.


3. Felony murder? I have to admit, it made me chuckle.

重罪谋杀罪 我得承认 我笑了

4. I suppose it depends on how highly you rate a chuckle.


5. I asked him what he'd be using it for, and he just kind of chuckled and said it was for a friend.

我问他用来干什么 他只是轻笑几声 说是给一个朋友的

6. But they swore they heard a final chuckle from six feet underground.

但他们发誓 从六尺之下 听到了最后的笑声

7. It's good that we can you can, especially chuckle about it, really, but it's deeply sinister.

我们现在谈起此事可以笑出来 尤其是你 这是件好事 但它确实很凶险

8. You chuckle heads get blood on my floor, you best be prepared to get down and add some of your own.

你们这些笨蛋让我的地板溅上血 就最好准备好也溅点自己的上去

9. Tam would have yelled at you for placing accelerator rods in the decelerator ports, and then you would have electrocuted yourself and we all would have had a chuckle at your expense.

塔姆會因為你把加速棒 插入減速槽而對你大喊大叫 然后你就會觸電身亡 我們都會為你的犧牲而歡笑

10. I wanted to do that thing where you walk down the hallway, and someone else is walking the other way, and then you both lean to one side and then the other, and then you both chuckle over your shared foible.

我还想体验当你走在过道上时 有人朝你走来 你俩同时闪到同一边 又同时闪到另一边 为这种小事而低声轻笑
