
lemongrass怎么读: 音标['lemәn^rɑ:s;-^ræs]
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◎ lemongrass是什么意思

n. 柠檬香草

n. an aromatic oil that smells like lemon and is widely used in Asian cooking and in perfumes and medicines
n. a tropical grass native to India and Sri Lanka


1. Yes, well, fresh lemongrass is really good, and the leaves are usually fantastic, but I'm afraid it's just a bit at the end of the season, so I wasn't able to bring great long leaves of lemongrass as well.

新鲜香茅的味道非常好 叶子特别香 不过我担心已经快过季了 所以我没办法给你提供 最好的长香茅叶

2. So, here's an artis* lemongrass body bar.


3. Start by chopping up 10 lemongrass stems.

首先 切开10根柠檬草茎

4. Didn't get six steps before the wind blew a blade of lemongrass into his skull.

他没跑出去多远 就被风卷起的柠檬草削掉了脑袋

5. Eden is great for inspiration, but you don't need a giant hothouse to grow your own lemongrass.

伊甸园工程是个让人充满灵感的地方 不过你不必为种柠檬草建一座巨大的温室

6. How we look at it as a company is to find things that previously we've had to import, like lemongrass, for example.

我们成立公司的目的 就是为了生产原本需要进口的东西 比如香茅

7. Whether you've grown your own or just bought it from a supermarket, lemongrass is great for pest control.

不管你是打算自己种 还是直接从超市里购买 柠檬草都是防虫的良药

8. Nitrogen caviar beads on a bed of deconstructed hummus wrapped in a lemongrass waffle cone.

氮鱼子酱珠铺在解构的鹰嘴豆子泥上 用柠檬香茅味的华夫饼椎包裹着

9. My lemongrass spray contains an essential oil which is a mixture of active ingredients, including citral and citronellol.

我的柠檬草喷雾剂中含有一种香精油 这种香精油中有多种活性成分 包括柠檬醛和香茅醇

10. Lemongrass, turmeric, and it's plants like these, they look beautiful, they look architectural, but every single one of them will have a use.

柠檬草 姜黄这类的植物 很美 生长得很有层次感 而且它们中的每一种都非常实用
