
zucchini怎么读: 音标[zu:'ki:ni]
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◎ zucchini是什么意思

n. 绿皮密生西葫芦

n. marrow squash plant whose fruit are eaten when small
n. small cucumber-shaped vegetable marrow; typically dark green


1. You must've really had it in for that zucchini.


2. He used to bring her a zucchini muffin.


3. But I caved and ate the zucchini in the car on the way over.

但我当时崩溃了 在路上把要参赛的西葫芦给吃了

4. Oh, we haven't had the jalapeno poppers or the fried zucchini.

我们还没吃过墨西哥辣椒卷 炸西葫芦也行

5. It's mostly heart emojis, the occasional zucchini.

大部分都是心形表情 偶尔发个西葫芦

6. Learning to curl zucchini ribbons is rarified.


7. Here they brought us zucchini, rice and carrots.

而这里只有西葫芦 大米和胡萝卜

8. Today, as promised, I'm gonna share my zucchini chocolate chip cookie recipe.

如我所说 今天我要分享 我的西葫芦巧克力曲奇做法

9. You know, I was actually thinking more along the lines of, like, a red curry maybe with some zucchini and squash, whatever's in season.

其实 我还想到很多菜肴 比如红咖喱西葫芦南瓜 什么当季蔬菜都可以
