
tremor怎么读: 音标['tremә]
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◎ tremor是什么意思

n. 震动, 颤动
[医] 震颤

n. an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear)
n. a small earthquake
n. shaking or trembling (usually resulting from weakness or stress or disease)
v. shake with seismic vibrations


1. Mild tremors followed by more intense tremors followed by tics to slowing of the muscles to attacking and eventually destroying of the brain.

轻微颤动后是更剧烈的颤动 随后是抽动 再到肌肉功能迟缓 然后病发 最终损害大脑

2. Because of the tremors, she cuts herself.

由于身体抽动 她经常割伤自己

3. Which is why, when you were dreaming, the tremors started.

所以你做梦时 就发生了震动

4. Sheldon, it was just a little tremor.

谢尔顿 只是小小的震动

5. Bryce disappeared, and we all felt the tremors.

布莱斯失踪了 我们都感受到了波动

6. That was a sei*ic tremor caused by you being here, by what happened to you.

这是因为你的出现 你的经历而造成的地震

7. The cramping and tremors were nicotine withdrawal.


8. But, uh, the lighting was bad and she had a slight tremor.

因为光线不足 而且她在颤抖

9. John can track the man with the tremors.


10. The guy giving orders had a tremor in his hand.

