
pudding怎么读: 音标['pudiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ pudding是什么意思

n. 布丁

n. any of various soft thick unsweetened baked dishes
n. (British) the dessert course of a meal (`pud' is used informally)
n. any of various soft sweet desserts thickened usually with flour and baked or boiled or steamed


1. I can't sell the pudding if I can't see the pudding.

如果我看不到布丁 就卖不出布丁

2. She called it bread pudding, not bread and butter pudding.


3. Because we're selling sex which has absolutely nothing to do with pudding to distract people from the fact that my pudding tastes like crap.

因为我们在推销的是性 这东西和布丁 半点关系都没有 只是为了让人们转移注意力 而实际上我的布丁尝起来像屎一样

4. Up north, where I grew up, the locals love their black pudding and I do too, so I decided to incorporate it into one of my recipes and turned to the home of black pudding in search of inspiration.

在北方 我长大的地方 当地人爱吃血肠 我也是 所以我打算把血肠加入我的食谱 并前往血肠的产地 寻找灵感

5. But then you'd have to wait for the pudding before you saw him.


6. And you killed him because he wouldn't give you his pudding.

你杀了他 因为他不给你他的布丁

7. All I want is chocolate pudding and you.


8. Talk about the proof in the pudding.


9. It's moist because it has pudding inside.

它很湿润 因为里面有布丁

10. That's if you don't mind sharing a pudding with me.

