
evangelize怎么读: 音标[i'vændʒәlaiz]
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◎ evangelize是什么意思

vt. 传福音, 使信基督教
vi. 传福音, 传道

v. preach the gospel (to)
v. convert to Christianity


1. Drexler and I are both a bit evangelical on the subject.


2. She didn't grow up in an evangelical super church.


3. A fraudulent evangelical minister who faked her own kidnapping.

一个骗人无数的福音派教会牧师 捏造了她自己的绑架案

4. No, don't you start with me about that holy white evangelical bullshit.

不 别跟我提起那个 关于神圣的白人福音教的屁话

5. Imagine, an entire academy of witches to evangelize.

想象一下 一整个学院的女巫等着皈依

6. Y'all are worse than a bunch of evangelical second graders.

你们比一群福音派的 二年级小学生还让人头疼

7. It makes the evangelicals happy, but the hawks feel betrayed.

这会让福音派的人很高兴 但*的人觉得自己遭到背叛

8. I still have nightmares about being inside that gigantic, evangelical cockroach.

我在噩梦里依然置身于那个巨大的 福音派蟑螂的身体里

9. Most motherdaughter relationships have moments of tension, but being the evangelical mother of a funkeira presents a special challenge.

大多数母女之间 都有气氛紧张的时候 但是作为一个福音派教徒的母亲 一个疯克女儿将是一种特殊的挑战

10. It was an evangelical initiative to provide religious education as an alternative to public school in the rural communities.

是福音派提出的倡议 旨在为农村社区 提供宗教教育作为公立学校外的另一种选择
