
reunification怎么读: 音标[,ri:ju:nifi'keiʃәn,ri:,ju:-]
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◎ reunification是什么意思

n. 使重新统一, 使重新团结

n the act of coming together again


1. I thought we, uh, mothballed this after reunification.


2. But no matter, reunification came and they believed in freedom.

但是没关系 国家统一了 他们相信自由

3. I'm gonna remove the visitation restrictions, and the reunification can begin next week.

我们决定解除你的探视限制 下周你就可以和女儿团聚了

4. If we can show them that we deserve to rejoin the mainland, supply chain will be restored and we will all survive until reunification.

如果我们能让他们看到我们值得被大陆收复 供应链就会恢复 我们都可以撑到收复的那一天

5. If I can get a ceasefire, even a temporary one, then when reunification does happen, at least there will be people left to save.

如果我能促成休战 即便是暂时的 那么等日后收复了 至少还会有幸存者
