
bray怎么读: 音标[brei]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ bray是什么意思

n. 驴叫声, 喇叭声
v. 叫, 嘶叫

n. the cry of an ass
v. laugh loudly and harshly


1. I'm not so enamoured with the sound of my own voice as to be constantly braying out opinions.

我并不是那么傾心于 高談闊論

2. That morning, when he came out and the sheep was there, she was unharmed, braying and screaming and all kind of hell.

第二天早晨他来的时候 羊还在那里 它没有受伤 但鬼哭狼嚎的

3. Last month, you suckerpunched me in your precinct house, while all your human buddies looked on, braying like donkeys.

上个月 你在警局揍了我一顿 你的人类同伴们就这么看着 像驴子一样
